Monday, February 09, 2009

NSF meeting

This weekend was pretty hectic for me... maybe the most hectic weekend in my life... and i wish i never get a weekend like this... where i cant give my complete time for a thing.

One of the activities this weekend was attending North South Foundation meeting. This meeting was for awarding scholarships to poor students. I am one of the alumni of this foundation. I went there two hours late as I was having one more work in the morning.
I reached around 12pm noon. The conference hall was silent with students listening to a lecture.
I went and sat in one of the empty chairs in the corner of the room. I was searching for some known people in the hall, but i didnt know any one there. This is the first time I am attending that meeting.
Someone spotted me asked me who I am and why did i come there. I told them my name and they recognized me immediately. They were happy to see me and introduced me to the main person behind this organization, Dr. Ratnam Chitturi.
He asked me talk on the stage and say few words to students. I was shocked because I am not so good at speaking to a group of people and sharing my thoughts. But I said yes and went to the stage without any preparation. I was very nervous and my voice was shaking. I blabbered there for 10 mins and said thank you.
At that instant I realized that those little students were listening to me carefully... I felt embarrased that at moment for not being very good speaker. They clapped at my words and i was relieved.
After the speech most of them were congratulating me. The founders were like my grandfathers here... mostly retired and serving country. Mr.Chalasani Rao sir was hugging me and praising me for being there. I told him that I am just a mere little creature doing nothing. But I promised to do more here for the foundation and be a volunteer all my life.
Well... while leaving I realized that it gives great pleasure to do something good for others... especially helping hand for the poor students. I will be one of them all the time.

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