Thursday, May 06, 2010

I Wanted To...

There are pencils, sketches, crayons, markers, chalk pieces, toys and papers spread all over the floor. Sara was wondering if she accidentally came to any play school. She passed through the main door again and looked across the colony. Finally she looked at the door number and saw her husband's name written above it. It was such a relief to find that she was not dreaming and its actually her house. There was no one in the hall and her mother was not seen around in the kitchen. The walls of the hall,sofa and cushions were completely scribbled with marker. She went to the kids room and saw that grandmother was helping Abhi with drawing homework.

Abhi is her 6 year old son. All of a sudden Dolly came from under the bed, showing a paper to Sara.
Dolly asked,"How are my drawings mamma? Even I wanted to draw pig,dog and cat."
That innocent expression of Dolly, who is just 4 year old brought immense happiness in Sara's face. She kissed Dolly and started cleaning up the mess.
No wonder mothers are so sweet and patient. They forget every misery for their kids.
Happy Mothers Day!!!



really sweet n simple piece for mother's day.!I liked it!

keep writing well!Tx.

Gurava Reddy said...

Good one ra....

Deepthi Pola said...

@pravin: Thank you very much!!!

@gurava: thank you gurava...

S.V.R.Kiran said...

mothers indeed!! Thanks for the very good post..

Deepthi Pola said...

@kiran: thank you... welcome to my blogging space!!

LipBlock said...

aweee....that was really sweet,....In a very simple way we can show our greatest love.....

Deepthi Pola said...

@lipblock: thats true!!! Thank you for visiting my blog

Ramana Murthy Venkata said...

the purest form of love!
i liked it.
Dr. Ramana murthy

Deepthi Pola said...

thank you Ramana garu!!