Monday, April 13, 2009

Ragging as a flagitious act

Sunday being a leisure day... I read the whole newspaper.
I came across this article about ragging in Coimbatore PSG college.
The guy is 19 year old studying Business management course.
College seniors entered his room and trashed him left and right, making him bleed like anything.
This guy lost his vision even after getting operated twice and best medication. Also he became mentally disabled.
How can guys be so brutal and cruel?? Animals do such things atleast to save themselves or for food... but why are these guys doing such acts?? for pleasure?? for their ego satisfaction?? or to show that they are seniors and have two horns on their heads??
F*** these bastards for spoiling innocent lives!!! Should be thrown into jails and given rigorous punishment.
There are so many laws to avoid such nasty ragging in colleges. Those doesnt work most of the times.
Most of the times colleges are worried about their reputation and try to close the matters by compensating the students. These kind of institutions should be ashamed of themselves for trying to save their reputation.

I remember incidents of ragging in my college. Some of the students were suspended and anti-ragging committees were formed. They were almost successful in controlling it.
There should be bit fun by knowing juniors and helping them in the institution... but they should not be used for satisfying their animal pleasure.

I hope every student realizes one simple fact of being a HUMAN and acting HUMANE.

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